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Flu and COVID-19
Safety Measures

I am offering in person sessions and will continue to offer online sessions. I am following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health department screening guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading the Flu and COVID-19 and to provide the safest possible therapeutic environment. I am committed to keeping you, me and our community safe. Please let me know if you have questions about these efforts. Please review this page in its entirety.



Session Preparation & Check-In Procedures


1. Appointments are scheduled with 15-minute intervals to allow proper sanitation and to limit exposure between clients. 


2. If your temperature is elevated (100.4°F/38° C or greater), or if you have been diagnosed recently with COVID-19, exhibit any symptoms, or have been potentially exposed, or have Flu Symptoms you agree to cancel the appointment OR proceed to meeting online


3. If you feel sick and are unsure if it is Covid-19, Flu, a cold, bronchitis etc. please proceed to moving to a virtual session since you might be contagious. This way you can keep your session but lessen the risk of exposure. 


4. Please wait to enter the building until no earlier than 5 minutes before our appointment time to create more optimal social distancing since it is possible you may come into brief contact with others in the wellness center.




My Commitment to Minimize Exposure


• I use a portable air filter (HEPA filter) in the session room.


• Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available as well as a full restroom with soap and water and clean towels to dry your hands. 


• Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.


• Only clean linens are used for each client receiving bodywork, as always.


• If I experience any Flu or COVID-19 symptoms or have potential exposure, my in-person practice may be closed for quarantine until further testing and assessment of safety. I will continue to offer online services.




Click these links for:

Symptoms of Flu


Symptoms of COVID-19



I am committed to offering you support and keeping my office clean and safe. I look forward to working with you.



Disclaimer: Mary Catherine Donnelly is not a licensed physician nor psychotherapist, and as such she does not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical or mental condition or disease. 

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